Meet the Board Monday: Treasurer, Brent Evans, Class of 1987
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BRHSF: Did you have a favorite teacher, club, sport or experience that made a long-term impact on you at BRHS?
BE: Mr. Fisher made an impact on my future by allowing me to stay in the AP Computer Science class without being approved to enroll. As an Electrical Engineer, I have often used my foundation in computer programming that started at BRHS back in days of Fortran and Pascal.
BRHSF: What made you decide to join the BRHSF Board?
BE: I joined the Board because acting Foundation Director Lauren Ford was not going to accept “No” for an answer. I also felt a great sense of appreciation for what I was able to provide to students and teachers at BRHS through a financial gift and wanted to continue to offer support to them through actions as well as donations.
BRHSF: Why is the Foundation’s mission of philanthropic support for BRHS important to you and to the community?
BE: I am a cheerleader for celebrating the good things that come out of the Baton Rouge community. BRHS and the graduates are definitely on the top of the list of great things that Baton Rouge has to celebrate and I want to do my part to make sure it stays that way.
BRHSF: As a Board member do you have any personal goals for your service? What do you see as your most important role as a Board member?
BE: As I do not have any past experience in fundraising or non-profits, my personal mission is to provide knowledge based on my personal professional experiences of business ownership. As one of the key players in hiring the new Director, my goal is to make sure the new Director hits the ground running and continues the recent growth of the BRHS Foundation fundraising achievements.
Fun Fact! One of my wife’s favorite stories is explaining all the work she puts into a lovely multi-course meal for friends, but I get all the accolades at the end of the meal, because I bring out artisan bean bar chocolate I make on the weekends.