Faculty Alum Friday: Sean Borders, Class of 1992
BRHSF: Are you a parent of a current student or graduate?
SB: Julian Borders, Class of 2018; Rhys Borders, Class of 2021
BRHSF: How long have you work at Baton Rouge High School?
SB: 7 years
BRHSF: Why did you choose to work at BRHS?
SB: It is the best high school in the area, and I believe in public education.
BRHSF: How did BRHS prepare you for college and/or your career?
SB: BRHS taught me how to learn, how to be a student, and how to manage my time. It taught me the importance and power of diversity and inclusion. It showed me that no matter what your background is, when you search for common ground and keep your mind open to possibilities then great things can be achieved.
BRHSF: What activities were you involved in as a student at BRHS?
SB: I played a little soccer and ran some cross country. I was a theatre student and sang in the choir one year. I was a member of the Russian Club and FCA for a year.
BRHSF: What teachers or staff influenced you as a student at BRHS and how?
SB: Mr. Andrew Martin, US History, inspired me to pursue education as a career. His love of the subject area, humor, his warmth and even-handedness in the classroom, and the respect he afforded his students, made him an ideal teacher for me.
BRHSF: What is a fun fact, embarrassing moment, or funny story about yourself from high school or now?
SB: Myself and a few friends used to sing “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling,” via the scene from Top Gun, to try and impress girls. Emphasis on the word – Try.
BRHSF: What advice would you give current students?
SB: You get out of life what you put into it. Figure out what makes you happy and pursue it. Be kind.